Who I am & my values



We teach & learn best when we step out of the roles we believe we should play.

Honesty is my policy. I do not leverage scarcity or unskillful marketing tactics, I teach what I know, & acknowledge/ amend when I have shared incorrect information.


Relationships require healthy boundaries in which both parties are required to assert their needs & limitations.


Individuals are able to make the best choices for themselves & their families when they have access to evidence-based information.

Individuals are empowered to choose the model of physical, emotional, educational, & spiritual care that best fits their personal circumstances.


I clearly delineate opinion from evidence-based fact.

My courses are educational and entertaining, & do not confer medical advice. Students are always referred to their licensed healthcare professionals when making medical decisions.


Families take many forms. I honor, respect, & welcome all.

Students are invited to share their personal, first-hand experiences. I do not tolerate horror stories or fear-based educational strategies.

Students who are demeaning, intolerant, or otherwise present a threat to the emotional, spiritual, or physical safety of other students or faculty will be removed.

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